Thursday, March 5, 2020

Today In History

Today In History 1930 Dr. Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, second man to walk on the moon was born. Buzz was an American engineer and former astronaut, and the second person to walk on the Moon. He was the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing in history. 1820 Anne Clough, promoter of higher education was born. Clough's personal charm and high aims, together with the development of the college under her care, led her to be regarded as one of the foremost leaders of the women's educational movement. Clough is responsible for all women who have the opportunity to educate through higher education, today. 1909 One of Ernest Shackleton's polar exploration teams reaches the Magnetic South Pole. 1952 British troops occupy Ismalia, Egypt. 1327 Edward II of England is deposed by his eldest son, Edward III. If history interests you or you would like to study history at a higher level, have a look at our 'Why Study History?'blog post or test your History General Knowledge. If you are already a History Student, and would like additional support you can meet some of our History tutors.

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